At FMCC we strive to have a team that is following their purpose that God has given them and strives to help heal hurting souls and bring the good news to the world to advance the Kingdom of God.
Pastoral Team
Phil and Cathy Wallace - Senior Pastors
Phil & Cathy have been the senior pastors at FMCC since June 2000. Their hearts are to reach the lost and hurting. They do this by providing our community with a church that accepts you as you are. Since their arrival the church has grown from meeting in a small building in Lake of the Woods to holding services at Frazier Mountain High School.
Jeff Johnston - Youth Pastor / Assisting Pastor
Jeff has been the youth pastor at FMCC since June 2004. His heart is to reach this generation and future leaders of our church. Jeff is currently the youth pastor for Jr. High and High school, and he oversees the Men's Fireside Fellowship Ministry.
Misty Johnston - Assisting Pastor / EXECUTIVE PASTOR
Misty has been a pastor at FMCC since June 2004. She is the assistant to the Senior Pastors, and the executive pastor.
DJ Mills - ASSISTING PASTOR / Men's Pastor
DJ has been a member since 2000 and the Men's Pastor since 2004. His heart is to serve and connect with the Men in the church and also to assist the Senior Pastor in preaching the word on occasional Sunday's.
Lisa water - assisting pastor / multimedia Director
Lisa has been a member since 2000 and the Multimedia Director since 2005, and received her Pastor’s license in January of 2009. Her heart is to use media to reach this generation and the next. She uses her talents to create our Sunday service media for in house and live stream services, advertisements, social media and maintains our website.