Core Values

1. We believe in the eternal value of every soul; so therefore, we will do everything possible to reach them with the Good News of Jesus Christ. (Matthew 18:14 - II Peter 3:9)

2. We believe in every believer’s spiritual formation as the Holy Spirit steadily develops in us the likeness of Jesus Christ.

(II Corinthians 3:18  - I Timothy 4:7)

3. We believe the catalyst for transformed lives is, teaching that is Bible-centered, Holy Spirit-led, culturally relevant, creative, and balanced. (I Corinthians 9:22, 23 - II Timothy 3:16, 17)

4. We believe “every member is a minister”, so therefore we will help every person discover, develop and deploy their gifts in our “volunteer-driven” church.  (I Peter 4:10 - Romans 12:6)

5. We believe that doing ministry as a team is God’s design for effectiveness. (I Corinthians 12:27 - Ecclesiastes 4:9)

6. We believe excellence honors God and inspires people so it should permeate all our activities. (Colossians 3:17,23 - I Corinthians 10:31)

7. We believe the church should be led by those with leadership gifts; so therefore, we will identify and train emerging leaders who will reach their generation with the Good News. (Ephesians 4:11, 12 - II Timothy 2:2)

8. We believe the church is to be a “safe” place where the healing power of Jesus Christ restores broken people. (Luke 4:18, 19)

9. We believe the worship of God and His Son, Jesus Christ, should be our highest aim in life. (Mark 12:30)

10. We believe that true community and life change happen best in small groups where loving relationships are nurtured in an atmosphere of love, acceptance, and forgiveness. (Acts 2:44, 46)